Commercial Metal Forming
it’s important to grow the bottom line, but that only happens if you’re looking at the horizon and trying to collaborate with customers on where they want to go and how we can be an advocate for them and a resource to be part of that success.” Of course, there are more prosaic facts concerning Commercial Metal Forming: the company had its origin in 1920, as a business unit of Commercial Shearing and Stamping, a privately-held firm, owned by the Cushwa family. It went public in the 1960s as Commercial Intertech, after its product line had evolved into hydraulics and steel tunnel plates. In 2000, Parker Hannifin purchased Commercial Intertech, kept the hydraulic division, but spun off the metal stamping operation a year later. Since then, Commercial Metal Forming has been owned by a variety of private equity groups. Today, CMF supplies over 400 different tank head and tank accessory items to over 3,000 customers throughout the U.S, Canada, the Middle East, and South America, in 30 different market segments, including: air receivers, petrochemical, LP Gas, oil field, construction equipment, rail and truck transportation, oil and gas separation, food COMMERC I AL METAL FORMING
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