Rea Magnet Wire

our waste streams,with projects like recycling used solvents,as opposed to sending those out as waste.In some cases,we’ve been able to partner with outside vendors to reprocess and reusematerial that used to be consideredwaste.We’re a big user of copper and aluminum,which are readily recyclable products,and anything that can be recycled,even dust,is sent out as recyclablematerial.We have a strong commitment to going above and beyond environmental compliance in reducing our overall waste and emissions. “What we have done over the years is partner with suppliers to do things such as reformulating the coat- ings we use,so theymeet performance specs for our customers but have reduced hazardous air pollutants in the solvent base. BVM: What are the company’s objectives for the future? Bilinski: “Whenwe lookacrossmarkets,there’s a huge importance placed on energyefficiency; more often than not,the energyefficiencyof systems that people use.Heating and air conditioning froma resi- dential standpoint is one areawheremany legislative and efficiency regulations have been put in place.Our goal is to be ahead of that asmuch as possible,to serve our customers who aremanufacturingmotors for the designers of HVACsystems. “The development of electricvehicles is receiving a tremendous amount of focus in the news.That is a significant opportunitywithin themagnet wiremarket. All those drive systems have electricmotors powering the drive trains,and that is anticipated to be a huge growth area in the next five to ten years. “ReaMagnetWire is built on a rich,85-year history REA MAGNETWIRE PREFERRED VENDOR n Asarco LLC A subsidiary of Grupo Mexico, Asarco LLC (American Smelting and Refining Company) is a mining, smelting, and refining company based in Tucson, Arizona, USA, that mines and processes primarily copper. It was origi- nally founded in 1888. here in FortWayne–grown froma very small Midwestern company to a largemulti-national supplier to themotor,automotive,and trans- former industries.I tell people that magnet wire is themost common thing you’ve probablynever thought about.It affects every individual,every day,nomatter where you live.