Rea Magnet Wire

it in action from the topwith expectations that we all walk thewalk,and then tying your focus to the same goal each of us has,to go home to our familyevery night.We talka lot about family,the importance of not letting themdown,and the consequences for not doing right as it relates to your own safety. “The organization has a long historyof safetyperfor- mance improvements.In the last 10 to 12 years,we’ve seen a significant improvement–to the point that we consider ourselves world-class as it relates toOSHA recordable rates or incident rates.Andwe’re extremely excited to share that we just broke the company record in 2017for the safest year ever at ReaMagnetWire. It’s the second time in three years we’ve broken the standing record. “Onewaywe specificallypromote safety is through a system that customizes training videos that showour plant footage,our employees actingwithin the filming, andwe even include families alongwith executives of our organization introducing themonthly training message.All employees are expected to viewthese monthly.That’s just one of many training opportunities we offer.The longest-tenured employeewe have is well over 50 years,but there’s a good core of our hourly staff that are 25,30,35-year employees. “Internally,there is friendlycompetition among employees for recognition as the safest plant.We have our Chairman’s SafetyExcellenceAwards,based on a list of 12 or sometrics we keep trackof at plant levels throughout the year.At the end of the year,we compile the results to come upwith the SafetyPlant of theYear. We developed a travelling trophy,artisticallydesigned and created fromour products,whichwasmade into a veryunique looking trophy.Thewinning plant gets to ASARCO LLC and Americas Mining Corporation Congratulates Rea Magnet Wire Co. on 85 Years of Outstanding Customer Service, Innovation, and Quality Products – Partners in Copper. ASARCO, LLC, a subsidiary of Grupo Mexico, is an integrated copper mining and manufacturing company headquartered in Tucson, AZ and operates mines, mills, and a smelter near Tucson and a refinery in Amarillo, TX. Americas Mining Corporation, a division of Grupo Mexico head- quartered in Mexico City, is a worldwide fully integrated mining and manufacturing corporation with operations in Mexico, Peru, the US, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, and Spain. REA MAGNETWIRE display it for the next calendar year,while everybody else,in a friendlyway,competes to earn it from the cur- rent holder.The first three years our Monterey,Mexico plant won andmost recently,in 2017,our Lafayette,In- diana plant won.We also recognize,by issuing plaques to the plants that workan entire year injury-free,and to theMost Improved Plant each year. “Safety is not a trade or product secret,sowe are very transparent with our customers and vendors about our performance.When you haveworld-class safety,why not share it with those that can benefit.We’re always willing to showhowwe’ve become so successful and howwe plan to get even better.” BVM: Howdoes ReaMagnetWire address sustain- ability? Tutton: “In our facilities,we’re continually looking to reducewaste and improve costs.Energyefficient lighting has always been at the forefront,with our facilities being converted to themost energyefficient technologies as theybecome available.Obviously,we are in the supplychain for motors,so energyefficient motors and drives are required in anyof our capi- tal projects,as well as replacements during routine maintenance.We’ve also focused onways to reduce