Casa Colina

patients’ best interest is just the beginning of the process. For those who do enter the program at Casa Colina, a well-equipped and wellbeing-cen- tered staff awaits.West explains, “When I set up Casa Colina, I wanted to make sure I had staff that was, first and foremost, healthy. So as staff, I always ask ‘are we taking care of ourselves?’ If we are healthy, then we’ll be better able to help others. So we’re always checking in with each other mentally, physically, and spiritually, as well. This lays the foundation for treatment that is consistent and long-lasting.” Over the twelve- week program, the men develop relationships with one another and the staff, becoming part of the community. “The guys who come through our programs feel heard and listened to and feel that they are part of the Casa Colina family,”West adds. Part of the community feeling is due to the facility’s dedication to family.West describes his views on program success: “We look at success in several ways. Are the guys maintaining sobriety after they leave the program? And has the family system changed? Is the family getting out of res- cuing - getting out of being the sobriety manag- ers of their loved one? We see that as success too, if the family is getting healthy too and ending those old behaviors.” As West continues to grow his community of men who have conquered their addictions, he hopes to facilitate growth through future expan- PREFERRED VENDOR CASA COLINA ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTER sion. As he explains, “Long term facility-wise, I’d like to expand to a total of 40 beds and increase our staff. I’d also like to have a few more offic- es and group rooms for those new individuals.” Treatment-wise, he’d like to dig deeper. “I would like to really grab hold of the trauma and psy- cho-drama piece and incorporate it more into our practice. I’d like to have those intense workshops with the clients, and possibly with the families as well, more often.” With his eye on the future, and plenty of room to grow, Casa Colina Addiction Treatment Center is set and ready to build its network of men, their families, and the professionals who help them work toward wellness and a healthy life. “Our mission is: to give men and their families the tools to achieve a lifetime of sobriety,” says West. n Gordon Highlander