A vaLANWireless Sys- tems,Inc.develops and manufactures wired and wireless Ethernet equip- ment and solutions for commercial and industrial clients,including retail fueling stations,digital sig- nage,retail point-of-sale,and other industrial automation applications. Nowbased inMadison,Alabama since 2008,AvaLANbegan in 2004 as a technologycompany in Silicon Valley,California. “Our veryfirst products were connections for theMicrosoft XBox,”says companyPresident, Matt Nelson.“In the earlydays of AvaLANwe did connections for IP (Internet protocol) surveillance cameras and access control devic- es.Thenwe got into the Internet of Things and the industrial wire- less space,and since then,we’ve evolved into other markets that re- quire reliable and secure network AVALANWIRELESS SYSTEMS SMALL BUT MIGHTY Wireless Systems AvaLAN AT A GLANCE AVALANWIRELESS SYSTEMS WHAT: Wireless solutions for commercial and indus- trial clients WHERE: Madison, Alabama WEBSITE: www.avalan.com
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