Kingston, Ontario - page 2

Business View Magazine
Kingston, Ontario
Where history and innovation thrive
Kingston, Ontario is located on Lake Ontario, at the
mouth of the Cataraqui and St. Lawrence Rivers, a
beautifully scenic waterfront location with a rich his-
tory and an eye on innovating for the future.
Native peoples who populated the area for many cen-
turies include the Huron, the Iroquois, and the Missis-
saugas. French trappers roamed the region’s forests
and waterways beginning in the 17th century, and
France built the original Fort Cataraqui, later to be
called Fort Frontenac, in order to protect the lucrative
fur trade. By the late 1700s, the city had become a
center of refugees loyal to the British crown who had
fled north because of the Revolutionary War. It official-
ly become the “King’s Town” in honor of King George
III in 1787, the name was shortened to “Kingston” a
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