Business View Magazine
tages of having a complete continuity of care for its
400 plus residents, allowing them to “age in place.”
“In our plan, here, health care is fluid,” he says. “So,
you can come into any stage – you could be in long-
term care, you could be in short-term care and then
move to independent living or assisted living. Or you
could go from assisted living to skilled nursing or even
back to independent living. What helps is we have ev-
ery opportunity available.”
Bishop’s Glen has apparently made the most of those
opportunities over the years because its proficiency
has not gone unnoticed. “Our skilled nursing facility
is five-Star rated by the Agency for Healthcare Admin-
istration three years in a row,” boasts Weiker, “and
we’re the fourth highest-rated facility in the state of
Florida.” Of course, it takes a dedicated, professional
staff to help make those opportunities manifest, and
Weiker is quick to lavish great praise on Bishop Glen’s
employees. “The people here are outstanding,” he ex-
ults. “There’s a lot of longevity; people who have been