West Lafayette Community School Corporation

as they consider the need for a preschool in the region. Updates to the strategic plan are also on the agenda, as Roth recounts, “Currently we do have a strategic plan in place, and that strategic plan was created before Dr. Greiner and I were here, and it was also created before COVID. And COVID has caused some shifting in that aspect. At this point, we want to get engagement from the wider community, and from our parents, to work on another strategic plan.” She underscores the importance of crafting a plan that addresses the community’s needs in a post-COVID world while maintaining the district’s reputation for excellence. “We’ve had a history of using input from our community through doing what we call district priorities. That process has helped guide us along, but really, we are hopeful to come back together for that long-term strategic planning to engage the community and really dig in to understand what’s possible, not just looking at the near future, but at the more distant future as well,” Roth maintains. AN EDUCATOR’S DISTRICT OF CHOICE With a reputation for supporting education and supporting teachers, West Lafayette has not experienced the educator shortages that are plaguing some districts. “We are blessed in the fact that we are seen as a desirable place to teach because of the support of the community, not only for teachers but for education and the ideas behind education,” Roth boasts. “But that doesn’t mean we rest on our laurels.We believe it’s important to offer competitive pay, we believe it’s important to offer welcoming and friendly safe environments for teachers.” Support for teachers by administration, parents and the community is evident in West Lafayette, where education is seen as a valuable commodity. “The negativity towards education and teachers in other places, it’s not here. And that is something we are ever thankful for,” she asserts. The community’s commitment is fur ther demonstrated by the multiple referendums passed with over 80% approval, indicating strong support for enhancing learning opportunities. Dr. Greiner adds,“The community and parent collaboration and 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03