Swift Current Saskatchewan

By retrofitting older properties, Swift Current takes a conservational approach, converting them into more proficient spaces to meet modern-day demands. This Prairie city’s fiscal strategy harmonizes essential upkeep with smart investments, reflecting a pragmatic approach to urban maintenance. LOOKING TO A FUTURE IN HELIUM One of the objectives for the upcoming year for Mayor Al Bridal and Business Development Officer Denise Wall is to attract new business. An area of interest is the Helium Industry. Swift Current is central to a vast area rich in fields of Helium. Bridal says, “I want to concentrate on helium. I want to see a plant in Swift Current.” Hence, they are positioning themselves to be the preferred location for a future Helium Liquefication plant. This station will compress the high value vapor, allowing increased transport capacity across North America. LONGEVITY AND HEART OF SWIFT CURRENT Swift Current operates its own Power Distribution P3Architecture Partnership 2222 13th Avenue Regina, SK www.p3arch.com 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03