Swift Current Saskatchewan
scale of employment generated by these companies underscores their impact on the market. These vital industries’ presence, coupled with a thriving farming industry, paints a dynamic portrait of a town that has boldly transitioned to embrace the Prairie winds of change. INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUB- ZERO ECO OPTIONS Infrastructure is the indispensable bedrock for commercial and residential developments. Without it, essential expansions cannot materialize, and progress and growth become unattainable. In Swift Current, annual endeavors in paving and sidewalk repairs seem routine, but they make up a large investment, surpassing $1 million this fiscal year. Amidst current budget considerations, the city allocates resources prudently. Essential maintenance includes upgrading walkways, roads, and curbs. Additionally, infrastructure commitments span sewer and water projects, from storm water structure upkeep to routine repairs.“It doesn’t sound sexy, but it is what we do,” adds Bridal. Regardless of size or resources, most cities in North America are concerned about the environment and do everything possible to be green. Swift Current is no different, but certain eco options are not workable in the province of Saskatchewan during the frigid winter months, such as electric vehicles (EVs). While electric cars may not be practical at this moment, Swift implements other measures. Bridal explains, “Sustainability for me and our city is using vehicles and buildings to their full life expectancy. That makes sense.” This year marks investments in Swift Current’s energy efficiency. This transformational journey begins with converting an old curling rink into a versatile soccer and volleyball facility. Officials allocated funds to strap and clad the exterior to curtail natural gas usage, targeting colder months when indoor soccer is essential. Officials expect a potential reduction in consumption by one-third, which would be a sweeping achievement for a 22,500 square-foot building. 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 SWI FT CURRENT, SASKATCHEWAN
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