Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools

Dr. Jackson also mentions the architectural accolades the natatorium has received. “Designed by Mark Beebe with Ratio design, the natatorium seamlessly integrates with our campus and has won an award for interior design. It’s a point of pride and a symbol of our commitment to providing exceptional facilities,” he says. CELEBRATING ARTS AND ATHLETIC TRIUMPHS At Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools, the spotlight shines brightly on flourishing arts and athletics programs, showcasing an environment where talents are nurtured, and achievements are celebrated. This holistic approach to education ensures that students excel academically and in extracurricular domains, fostering well-rounded development. Dr. Jackson speaks with pride about their performing and visual arts programs.“Our Performing Arts Center is a hub of creativity, hosting middle school and high school drama productions each fall and spring, which are exceedingly popular and well-attended,” he shares. These productions offer students a taste of professional-level theater experience.“We’ve also seen a rise in community engagement through our Trojan Media Productions, a student-run initiative that emerged during Covid. This program allows students to handle production, camera work, and even on-air roles.” In visual arts, Dr. Jackson emphasizes the wealth of opportunities for student involvement. “Our art program is robust, giving students inclined towards visual arts ample avenues to explore and express their creativity,” he adds. This comprehensive arts education is a testament to the district’s commitment to nurturing diverse talents. Shifting the focus to sports,Dr.Jackson highlights their impressive achievements.“We’ve recently celebrated our second consecutive state championship in football. Our extensive athletic program has seen remarkable success across various sports,” he says. The district’s prowess in athletics extends beyond 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 SUNMAN-DEARBORN COMMUNI TY SCHOOLS