Staples MN

Overlooking an expanded gym, multi-purpose area, renovated student weight room, and community activity center, Lakewood Nest includes a 1/10 mile walking track. Bjerga remarks, “The school extends community memberships, and LHS’s employees receive complimentary ones.” This is an employee benefit and assists patients with post-surgical rehabilitation. It encourages residents to be more active, emphasizing a preventive approach to health. A barrier arises when a new hire, unable to find housing in Staples, opts to buy property in a neighboring locale. Staples and LHS want their staff to live within the municipal boundaries and school district limits. Bjerga states, “A University of Minnesota (U of M) extension study indicates a family spends $100,000 annually, so the economic impact is large.”Addressing this issue head-on, Lakewood and Staples built 13 residences in the last eight years. As Bjerga puts it,“A stronger city, a stronger Lakewood; a stronger Lakewood, a stronger city.” RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT With a population of 2,998 (2021), a persistent challenge for the City of Staples remains the limited housing options for new occupants or those seeking to transition from their current living arrangements. The demand also calls for student accommodations with access to Central Lakes College (CLC) and affordable market-rate single and multi-unit dwellings. Lakewood partnered with a local builder and Central Building Supply to secure reduced or favorable pricing on city land, resulting in more homes to meet recruiting demands. Another benefit is providing electricity, water, and wastewater through the town- owned utility company. “We operate a municipal electric, so the City of Staples or Todd Wadena Electric provides the power for new construction,” states Jerel Nelsen, Staples City Administrator. 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03