Scot-Build Developments

Although other challenges persist, including the dramatic escalation in the price of construction materials, as well as the ongoing higher-interest rate climate, Young pinpoints other close relationships they have been able to foster along the way, namely with suppliers in the region. Local suppliers such as Home Hardware routinely reserve materials for Young’s projects to ensure the company can keep on top of its construction timelines. Young also highlights the highly successful relationships the company has built with other valued suppliers including Precision Septic and Earthworks for all of the company’s excavation needs, McNab Construction for all the concrete work including driveways and foundations, and Bumstead Brothers for all the company’s plumbing and heating jobs with each home it builds. A ‘WELL-OILED MACHINE’ WITH LEADING DESIGNS “Building a house has so many different moving parts. There are so many people you have to deal with on so many different issues that pop up and need to be solved; it becomes a management thing to make sure everything runs smoothly. they can “be anybody from any walk of life from millionaires to self-made individuals to a couple taking out a construction mortgage.” The important piece to keep in mind is that a client- builder match must be just this; the right match like any marriage or business relationship. Just as the clients have retained close ties to Scot Build Developments, so too have the company’s valued and long-term subcontractors. The company has been using the same group of subcontractors for all the intervening years since Young made the trip to Canada from Scotland and set up his thriving construction business. “All of these subcontractors; plumbers, heaters, painters, excavators, you name it, have been working with us for 10 to 15 years,” Young highlights. With the skilled trade labor shortage, a distinct problem for the construction trades in the post- COVID ‘new normal’, builders such as Scot Build Developments are well ahead of the game and were able to weather the pandemic storm. 5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 03 SCOT-BUI LD DEVELOPMENTS, INC.