Lehigh University

property management, bolster efficiency in inventory management. “We’re specifically looking at how we intake and operate our warehouse. We’ve implemented changes to streamline our processes to achieve standardization and increased efficiency,” Altemose says, referencing the university’s recent interest in implementing new asset-tracking software to support its warehouse inventory management. A SUSTAINABLE OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE Reliable and dependable relationships with key suppliers has always been at the forefront of Lehigh’s practices, therefore, the university always prioritizes risk mitigation through proactive measures, such as forecasting and supplier diversification, ensuring resilience against disruptions like pandemics or natural disasters. Lehigh is a partner in several educational buying consortiums with vendors that can support its demand. This became critically important during COVID-19 where the need to procure various PPE masks and COVID-19 tests in large volume for campus safety was particularly important. Additionally, sustainable business practices is also a paramount concern. “We have specific standards that we’ve established within certain commodity areas such as furniture, paper, computers, and appliances, where we require that [suppliers] meet a certain level of sustainable efforts,” Altemose states. Sustainable purchasing policies guide supplier selection, with a focus on environmental stewardship and ethical practices, while strategic alliances with consortia ensure access to reliable vendors. ORGANIZATION OF THE FUTURE Looking ahead, Lehigh University is poised to implement its new strategic plan, encompassing academic, operational, and financial objectives. Emphasis is placed on leveraging physical infrastructure, enhancing research capabilities, and optimizing resources. 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 LEHIGH UNIVERSI TY