Lakeville Public School District

they are constantly battling to attract and retain qualified staff to meet the specific needs of each student. In addition, they are facing unprecedented levels of mental health needs among both students and families. Dr.Van Zyl points out that the social and emotional effects of COVID-19 are hitting students and families hard across the country, and teachers haven’t necessarily had the expert training they might need to meet all these needs. These shortages necessarily come with funding challenges as well. Lakeville dealt with a 7-million- dollar budget reduction last year and asked the community for operational and bonding dollars this past fall. INVESTING IN THE FUTURE One of the primary uses of funding at Lakeville is student well-being and security. The district focuses on preventative care and recently set up an anonymous reporting system. This system is used frequently, and they believe it is worth the time and effort to investigate any reports made. They have two dedicated counseling and psychology experts on staff who not only investigate reports but follow up with students and families to identify any students with unmet needs or at risk in any way. Lakeville’s focus on safety includes partnerships with local police and investing in campus safety. They are one of the only districts in Minnesota to invest in police lockdown infrastructure buttons and ballistic glass in their school buildings. However, their emphasis remains on being proactive to create a safe environment. They train their teachers and administrators in preventative methods, emphasizing their ability to identify students who may need additional support. LOOKING AHEAD Lakeville’s future includes big changes in the next couple of years. They have a new elementary school opening in the fall of 2024. Within the next five to ten years, they plan to either add to their existing middle school facilities or potentially build a new middle school. STARKCARPET.COM VISIT OUR SHOWROOM INTERSOURCE BY STARK 275 MARKET STREET, SUITE #102, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55405 612.377.0499 13 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03