Lakeville Public School District

Student Services is not just responsible for special education, Dave Haveman, Executive Director of Student Services, points out. They also have to consider highly mobile students, who make up 1.2% of the student body, and students who are learning English for the first time in school. Haveman points out that there are over 80 languages spoken in the district. These unique learning needs, when combined with the effects of COVID-19, result in children with “complex needs,” Haveman comments. Given that Lakeville is in a teacher shortage area, offer a full continuum of special education services from K-12, expanding to include some students who do not graduate until they are 22. This programming extends to children who attend daycare within the boundaries of Lakeville, even if their families do not live in the district. Lakeview partners with District 917, purchasing staff for programming or sending their students to specialty programming at their schools. They’ve seen an explosion of use of this programming at the early childhood level, in part because the daycares refer children to Lakeville. 11 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03