Hoboken Public Schools

project-oriented learning. “There are many exciting things happening in our early childhood grades. Socially, emotionally, and academically, our students are transitioning from our primary classrooms to our elementary, middle, and high school learning environments with a greater sense of confidence. We are seeing this in our mathematics student achievement data, as well. ” “Right now,we’re in a really interesting place.Districts from across New Jersey and from other states are visiting us and reaching out to learn more about the systemic approach we are taking to curriculum development and implementation and data-driven instructional practices,” Rodriguez-Gomez boasts. “While we still consider ourselves mid-way through the journey,” Johnson claims, “the data tells us we’re moving in the right direction.” On the subject of funding these initiatives, Jackie Dowd, Co-Founder and President of the HPEF, conveys, “Our main goal is to support the district in its move to become the best schools that we can be.We work very closely with the district around the goals that they have, in terms of how we can best 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 03 HOBOKEN PUBL IC SCHOOLS, NEW JERSEY