Wausau Wisconsin

10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 “We’ve been working on the most efficient way to upgrade the lead service lines under our city, many of which need repairs or refurbishing. We’re looking at how we can identify which ones are still in existence, what they need to be brought back into service, and how much time it will take to do so. Ideally, we want to get this done in the next 15 years.” Fifrick is quick to highlight that “roads are also huge for us and require significant resources. Whether you’re filling potholes or reconstructing roads, the cost in time and money is quite high, so it’s important to plan time carefully and have the right partnerships to service those projects.” Green initiatives are interlinked with improving infrastructure, Mayor Rosenburg says. “Our drinking water upgrade came about largely as a response to PFAS contamination. The new facility removes that, so our water quality now is wonderful. We are planning to build a solar array to power that facility as well. Our sustainability committee is drafting a greenhouse WAUSAU, WISCONSIN gas policy and we are closely listening to our locals’ calls to move away from fossil fuels. Things like subsidized rain barrels and electric charging stations are also on the books.” Wausau’s tourism economy, which experienced a significant decline during the COVID-19 pandemic, can now look forward to a boost following a revamp to the city’s Convention and Visitors Bureau. Mr. Fifrick explains, “The Bureau now has new staff, members of the board, and new opportunities for growth. They advocated heavily for upgrades to the Rib Mountain State Park, which is a huge attraction for seasonal visitors. The benefit from that is plain to see-you can go to local breweries on a Friday night in winter and see Chicago’s skiers there, supporting our local businesses.” Mayor Rosenburg continues, “We also have world-class art in Wausau such as the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, where the birds in art exhibits are world-renowned. The Wausau