Taylor Texas

10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 TAYLOR , TE XAS for baseball, softball, and soccer tournaments. To bolster tourism and highlight the many features of the community, Taylor has enlisted Marketing firm Arsenal, who have rebranded the city with the tagline, “Visit Taylor-Made”. Director of Communications Stacey Osborne recounts, “They work with our Main Street department to help promote a lot of the activities and things that we’re doing in the city. They do a great job. They understand tourism, they understand marketing, they bring us really great opportunities.” The city of Taylor has also been designated ‘Texas Main Street City’ since 1999. Through this key partnership, the city has been connected with entities like Travel Texas, and Texas Monthly, who promote the city to a larger audience. Taylor’s own communication team also has a robust social media presence, updating residents and visitors on what is happening in the city, and providing publicity for special events. The city also has specific social media pages dedicated to events such as the Main Street Car Show which happens every November, as well as the Weekend Farmers Market. As a small community of 19,000, Osborne admits, “We depend heavily on social media, we don’t have much of a marketing budget, we do a little bit of advertising, and we purchase social media ads when appropriate for those big events. Mostly we just do it