Rogue Valley International - Medford Airport

ROGUE VALLEY INTERNAT IONAL – MEDFORD A I RPORT well compared to other airports nationwide.” The terminal at Rogue Valley International- Medford Airport was already a very clean and modern facility but with the pandemic in mind, they stepped it up a few notches; increasing the frequency of cleaning and fogging, spacing the seats out for social distancing, new mask and sneeze guard regulations, as well as industrial HEPA air scrubbers throughout. Cleaning products were upgraded to hospital-grade and electrostatic sprayers were brought in. “We wanted to make sure that we used CDC recommended products and every touchpoint was clean and sanitized,” says Foster. “What we are hoping is that everyone, the people coming and going as well as our employees, can really feel safe travelling through or working in the airport.” Creating a Master Plan that envisions how an airport moves into the future takes a lot of work and requires multiple approaches, and Mead