Collingwood, Ontario COLLINGWOOD | TORONTO | MILTON | BRADFORD LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING, FROM THE GROUND UP We’re more than engineers. We are entrepreneurial problem solvers, collaborators, and team players. We understand the needs of our clients and work tirelessly to exceed expectations. We are Crozier, and we want to work with you. Re s i den t i a l | I ndu s t r i a l | Comme r c i a l | I n s t i t u t i ona l | Re c r e a t i ona l us some immediate action items to help our economy as we emerged from the first wave of COVID-19. We had that committee in place in a very short space of time with business leaders from each of economic sector. They came up with 35 recommendations that were extremely helpful in jumpstarting our economy.” Through June to late November the town enjoyed a fairly strong economic boom for retail outlets, restaurants, and tourism even made a comeback. Saunderson was proud of how the task force helped town officials, noting, “When it came to finalizing the economic action plan, we found that those recommendations from our economic support and recovery task force really dovetailed and highlighted some of the issues that were identified by the economic development task force.” That report was passed in November and will guide the municipality to focus on three areas