Central, Louisiana

CENTRAL , LOUI S I ANA System, ranked in the top 10 of Louisiana school systems. The schools are one of the biggest employers in the area, employing about 2,000 workers. Other major employers include the corporate headquarters of DEMCO, a regional utility provider with hundreds of employees, and Walmart, Winn-Dixie, and Oak Point Fresh Market which also employ a good number of people. An area which has become a commercial hub for the community is the beautiful Central Square, located in the heart of the city near Sullivan and Wax Roads. The development was constructed 10 years ago and houses a pavilion, park, and The Quarters – a two-phase shopping center with architecture reminiscent of the French Quarter in New Orleans. There is also a Walmart across the street from the Central Square for even more convenience. “We don’t really have an official downtown in Central,” says Barrow, “but the Central Square area of the city is considered a smaller alternative. A traditional neighborhood development (TND) is even planned for the area.