United Water Restoration Group Inc.
UNI TED WATER RESTORAT ION GROUP INC . also uses platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn to promote their brands and recruit employees and potential franchisees. Having numerous corporate locations across Florida, UWRG has developed some valuable supplier relationships that benefit its franchisees. For example, the company has a turn-key program for vehicles with Enterprise that allows franchisees to lease or purchase their vehicles, get them fully outfitted (lined & racks installed) and wrapped (branded as UWRG), and delivered to their location, ready to be put into service. If leased, they simply turn them back into Enterprise and they will take care of de-identifying and selling them. According to Moore, “In any franchise, the brand is one of the big pieces that you’re building. Every month, I look at the reports of how many leads came in, how many jobs, and where those leads came from. And, at least once a month, someone has mentioned that they saw our vans driving around. So it’s a great way for the franchisees to
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