NAT IONAL CENTER FOR DEFENSE MANUFACTUR ING & MACHINING capabilities. Where they have internal resources, we use our partner organizations to keep the costs low and increase our production agility and flexibility. That’s our differentiator. Because if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you have a welder, every problem gets solved by a welding solution. As a not-for-profit, independent, unbiased third-party, we go and assess the opportunities, then work with our partners to identify who’s got the best set of solutions - not necessarily our solutions, but our partners’ solutions, on behalf of the government, the U.S. armed forces, and the DoD. We’re vested in their best interest.” To recap: the NCDMM procures the contract to do the applied R&D. They manage the partners, who, in turn, manage the project, who, in turn, manage the deliverables. “We do that because, as you can expect, there are a lot of technology providers that don’t have the internal resources to do government contracting and to deal with, historically, what’s called red tape,” Fleegle Chief Operating Officer, Gary Fleegle