Youngstown, OH DISCOVER WHERE RESEARCH & STARTUPS COLLIDE DISCOVER WHERE RESEARCH & STARTUPS COLLIDE YBI . ORG YBI . ORG THE HEARTLAND OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING THE HEARTLAND OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING NAT IONAL CENTER FOR DEFENSE MANUFACTUR ING & MACHINING “As AMT continues to expand and evolve, we’re always on the lookout for new partners,” shares Fleegle. “We like to think of ourselves as being on the cutting edge. We attend various summits and conferences. We also have our existing network of people who understand where the AMT is coming from. We have, as part of our Alliance Partners, a network of universities— that’s typically where the AMT research comes from. We tie into the DoD’s modernization priorities, and we keep ahead of the DoD magazines and events. There are various reports to come out as to how the army wants to adopt AMT, so we’re very in tune with what the needs of our customers are.” Planning for the company’s future also means anticipating massive retirements as the bulk of the sector’s workforce reaches its golden years, and the younger cohort still requires some convincing that choosing a career in manufacturing is a viable step toward long-term professional success. “As of late, we’ve noticed a