Hamister Group, LLC
HAMI STER GROUP , LLC there is a fast food minimum wage and a ‘normal’ minimum wage, so it’s been challenging. But we’ve had great success in terms of recruiting and retention of our staff. We measure different statistics to evaluate whether we’re losing staff more than the competition because of turnover. And overall, we have (relatively, for the industries we’re in) very low turnover rates, and very high stay quotients.” Staff training in the Hamister healthcare facilities is done through Relias. All employees are encouraged to use the system, not only for state-required training, but for other programs, as well, on their own time. At the end of 2019, the Hamister Group conducted an Employee Engagement and Communication Survey, and the subject of personal growth ranked high among staff – the ability to train and learn and grow. It speaks to the value placed on corporate culture. And, while the company doesn’t want people to leave, if they do so for an opportunity to improve their personal success, that step is appreciated Executive Leadership Team
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