Delhi Charter Township, Michigan

in a big piece of equipment we call ‘Scrappy.’ We dump the food waste that we collect from the schools into the Scrappy machine, and it takes out all of the sporks and the wrappers, so that it can be fed into the digester without having to have a person picking through trash.” “We’ve done these efforts because they made sense,” says Diorka. “The environmental efforts have been embraced by the community.” Bryant agrees. “In 2008, the Sam Corey Senior Center was the first green-certified building that Delhi Township built; it’s got geo-thermal heat and a living roof,” he reports. “And with our state- of-the-art recycling center, we have some new receptacles going in that will increase our sustainability efforts there and allow us to reduce the number of trips back and forth from the recycling center to the company that processes everything. We put a priority on investing in these services because they have made our Township such a great place to live, work, and raise a family.” PREFERRED VENDORS n Sebright Products Inc. n Honeywell Recycling Mascot - a large sunfish named Gill, made from recycled laundry detergent containers