Thomasville Regional Airport

Most of the property around the airport is pri- vately-owned, except for a small parcel owned by the Thomasville Payroll Development Au- thority at the Airport’s north end, which may be available for future development, should the need arise. “We’ve addressed developing this area with a couple of potential aviation ten- ants who have approached the Airport about building some facilities just outside of the Airport’s property in the PDA land area,” Petty notes. “This activity could open up develop- ment on the other side of the airport and al- low us to expand.” Regarding competition from other area air- ports, Petty says that the nearest ones are Tallahassee International Airport, Valdosta Regional Airport, and Southwest Georgia Re- gional Airport in Albany. “They’re all about 60 miles from this Airport – one to the south, one to the east, and one to the north,” he remarks. “They all have commercial traffic and they’re all full-service for general aviation. However, I believe we provide better access to the plan- tations – there are 70 plantations in Thomas County, and we are general aviation friendly, supporting both light and corporate aviation with easy access to and from the ramp and