Thomasville Regional Airport

THOMASVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT Thomasville currently has 52 home-based aircraft, with a waiting list of about a dozen for enclosed T-hangars, and two for corporate han- gars. “Currently, we have three ground-lease buildings on the Airport; the rest of the build- ings and hangars are city-built and owned buildings. We are planning additional hangar space for base and transient customers,” Petty reports. “We just completed a 30,000-sq.- ft. hangar complex for corporate aircraft in 2017 that mirrors the hangar facility across the ramp. This year we’ve been funded for six enclosed box hangars to house light twins and single engine aircraft. We hope to get started on these a little later in the year.” A recently completed project was a 500-plus foot extension to primary runway 4/22. The extension will allow larger corporate aircraft to make safer landings and takeoffs during hot and humid days and times of inclement weath- er. “Right now, it has a displacement, because the property on the approach end of runway 4 has not been acquired yet,” Petty explains. “But, we just recently completed the environ- mental assessment for that area and the plan is to obtain the property, to clear cut some of the trees on the approach end, and to remove the displaced threshold, so we have 6,004 feet in both directions. Also, this year, we started to bid for a runway rejuvenation project for run-