Retail Service Systems Inc.

business, so she started a business in March. I also have a cousin in Virginia, who now runs her own business. We have a whole Team Har- ris! No matter where you are in life, you can get started and be successful.” Andrew adds, “We have an intentional on-go- ing training program; the only thing we re- quire in it is that new owners attend our CMO Darren Conrad’s ‘See America’ basic training event soon after joining the RSS family. We of- fer them every two months, in a different loca- tion across the country, where a new “Rugged’ can meet other entrepreneurs, learn and share ideas. It attracts a lot of veterans who like to have a refresher and we have them participate in the Q & A parts of the training with the new people from that region (we’re opening about 10 locations a month). It merges the old with the new and develops relationships that helps build our Rugged Entrepreneurial community. The 1st phase of our training program is de- signed to take place over an owner’s initial year with RSS. We start with a first base pro- gram using advisors as well as manuals and resources that are online. The new Rugged is then handed off to a personal Division Busi- ness Coach who helps them day in and day out as they continue through our on-going train-