Pebble Global Holdings
P icture a tiny pebble dropped into a giant lake, causing ripples that reach all the way to shore. In the same way, a small daily serving of Pebble’s in- fused hemp CBD oils or hemp CBD soft-gels can create a powerful ripple effect to benefit your physical and emotional wellbeing. Peb- ble Global Holdings, selling to the public as “Pebble,” is a proud Texas-based subsidiary of AcquiFlow LLC, which is nationally recognized as the “first open, legal, and transparent Texas- based cannabis company. Hemp CBD extract has been shown to de- crease inflammation, pain and anxiety, improve mood, help individuals with neurologi- cal disorders, and address a myriad of other health issues. All Pebble hemp CBD products are made from industrial hemp (which is legal to sell, ship, and possess in all 50 states). They are 100 percent pesticide free, contain 0.3% or less THC, and have no psychoactive ef- fects. Business View Magazine recently spoke with AcquiFlow/Pebble Founder and CEO, Patrick Moran; Pebble Board Advi- sor and President of Syzygy Botanicals, Peter Ricca; and Pebble Board Advisor,
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