Chem-Aqua, Inc.

introduce the company, introduce the product line, and after identifying the needs, introduce the Chem-Aqua technology and provide the opportunity to become a client. Many times, people realize that the cost of changing over from a liquid program to a solid treatment is no different than what they’re already paying. “Customers like entering into agreements where we provide them with a monthly, equal billing program,” says Gravelle. “First, we assess their system to find out what the annual value of the contract would be, and then we break that amount down into monthly payments. We control the inventory, and what’s shipped, and by doing so, we know what’s required for the system. We try to keep it real-time, so there isn’t a lot of inventory onsite, because most customers don’t like that. We monitor the chemical consumption and it gives us an idea of when to ship product. Our distribution net- work has a lot of carriers, so we can ship the product on time to meet the customer’s system requirements. This saves the customer from monitoring inventory and puts us in control of the water treatment program.” The company’s biggest challenges are keep- ing up with customer expectations and giving them a fair price. Unfortunately, raw material