226 affordable technology solutions. Perhaps the newest level of value,which literally closes the circle on the product chain,is 360° Re- cycling.The idea is to leave nothing for the landfill; equipment gets deconstructed down to itsmost basic components-even reclaiming and recycling the tiny tracesofRareEarthElements (REEs) andConflictMetals 3TGs that arecritical tothemanufacturingof laptops, desktopcomputers,tablets,andmobilephones.This isan area inwhichPowerONhasmovedtheneedlesignifi- cantlyinthepast andcontinues todoso. “We have a newtechnologybeing developed,right now,that will allowus to even go deeper into these miniscule parts and pieces that you couldn’t take off, before,economically,”says Kelley.“We’re going to be able to do that and start recovering at a veryhigh level.Our companywas once the largest destroyer of SmartPhones inNorthAmerica; our devices could destroy a Smartphone every three seconds-we did a targeted destruction.Now,we’remore of a value reclamation and a recoverycompany.Not a single piece goes to the landfill.” For the past dozen years,PowerONhas contracted withApple to build and administer its trade-in pro- grams.Whatever it isn’t authorized to resell,recover,or remarket,it deconstructs and reconfigures into new products.“We have peoplewho can de-manufacture an IPhone in 45 seconds or less,”says Kelley.“That’s the first step.Has it been totallydestroyed? No,but it’s in pieces,now.The next step is to identifywhat the manufacturer will allowus to re-use into other de- vices.What canwe remake this stuff into?Thenwe’ll go ahead and actuallymake newstuff.RAMmemory can go into thumb drives,batteries can bemade into batterypacks,Wi-Fi chips can bemade intoUSBWi-Fi Adaptors.So,we go that next level.We’ve got to the point wherewe can literally take the chips off amoth- er board and re-use that.Our next iterationwill allow POWERON SERVICES, INC.
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