POWERON SERVICES, INC. REUSE AND RECYCLE B rent Kelley,CEOof PowerONSer- vices,Inc.,which he founded in 1994,was still in collegewhen he first began his career of buying and selling computer hardware.As a student rep for both IBMandApple,hewas helping his fellowcommunitycollege students continu- allyupdate their computer systems as each newproduct or technologyquickly replaced one that was also once new,onlya short time before.At the same time,hewas also amass- ing a cache of older equipment. After getting hisA.A.degree,he departed for Oregon State,where he says he spent his mornings in the library’smicrofiche de- partment,building a database of computer dealers,“writing down every single computer dealer from theYellowPages fromevery singleYellowPages in the nation,”he recalls. “Then I would call themand get the fax number and start faxingweekly: ‘What do
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