Faulker Perrin Homes

our customers after construction.I’mactuallygoing out to dinner tonight with one of myhomeowners that we built a house for in 2014.I’mnot just their builder; I’ma neighbor and a friend.” BVM: Howimportant are relationships with vendors, subcontractors,and others to the success of Faulkner Perrin CustomHomes? Perrin: “We have a ton of long-term relationships on the construction side having been in the business for almost 30 years.Plus we have some newer rela- tionships that we thinkare going to be long-termwith architects,designers,realtors and so,across the board, that’s one of the things we put a high priorityon–re- lationships with people that are like-minded and have common goals for high-end,luxury,customhomes, and taking care of our customers on a long-termbasis.” BVM: Has anything occurred recently,or planned for the future that will affect thewayyou operate? Faulkner: “We started doingmore golf course es- tates.We’re doing one in Brookhaven; we just finished one off the 13th hole at Canyon CreekCountryClub; andwe’re about to start two on CastleHill’s golf course, which is only sixmiles fromLegacyand theTollway. That’s another niche that we’removing toward.The second part is,we’re going tomove a little bit more into the development side,acquiring the land and doing six-to-fifteen home developments,where it’s exclusivelyall Faulkner Perrin homes being built.We are evaluating locations as we speak. “As far as the future goes,I would say it would be growth and expansion into other outlyingmarkets like the“Executive Corridor”as I call it-Legacyand the Tollway,whereas nowwe’re further down inDallas in Commercial l Foundation Slabs - Post Tension - Rebar - Tella Firma l Parking Lots l Concrete Floors l Large Concrete l Repair and Replacement Proficient Concrete, LLC. was created specializing in laying foundations, sidewalks, driveways, patios and parking lots for residential and commercial projects. We have all the necessary resources including labor and materials to complete the entire construction process. We can work as a general turnkey or as a labor contractor, and we use the most reliable suppliers in the market providing us with the best construction material supplies available. www.proficientconcrete.com info@proficientconcrete.com (214) 522-9480 Residential l Foundation Slabs - Post Tension - Rebar - Tella Firma l Basements and Garages l Patios and Porches l Concrete Driveways - Broom Finish - Wash Aggregate Finish - Salt Finish l Sidewalks and Walking Paths l Concrete Steps FAULKNER PERRIN CUSTOM HOMES the PrestonHollow,UniversityPark,Highland Park, Bluffviewareas.But we’re also going to have an offer- ing up there to handle those C-Suite executives who aremoving in from the east andwest coasts.” Perrin: “Growth is in the forefront of what we’re doing.Nowthat everyone has seen the vast arrayof styles of homes we can build for them,we are look- ing to expand. We’ve had such an overwhelming response fromour homeowners,we feel it’s time to providemore opportunities for people to experience what it is like to own a Faulkner Perrin home.” PREFERRED VENDOR n Proficient Concrete wwww.proficientconcrete.com