Condron Homes
C oreyCondron,owner of CondronHomes,is a third-generation homebuilder in the Spokane,Wash- ington area.His grandfather had started in the busi- ness in themid 1960s,and his father,Craig,followed suit in the early1970s,with Coreyworking summers,through high school and college,on framing crews.In 1991,Coreygrad- uated fromWashington State Universitywith a Construction Management degree andworked briefly for a large commercial construction company,before returning to his dad’s company.“I ended up joiningmy father in 1993,”he recounts,“working for himas a superintendent andworkingmywayup the ranks to the point where I purchased the company frommyparents on Jan.1,2008–right when the bottom fell out.” Corey reports that,at its height,CondronHomes was building over a hundred small,starter homes a year within a 20-mile radius around Spokane.“We hit our maximum in 2007,right CONDRON HOMES MADE IN AMERICA CONDRON HOMES AT A GLANCE CONDRON HOMES WHAT: A custom and semi-custom homebuilder WHERE: Spokane, Washington WEBSITE:
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