Clarence Rockland

a bilingual town,andmost companies are bilingual,as well.Plans for corporate financing are in theworks to address economicdevelopment charges,because the cityhas been recognized as one of the fastest growing in the area.Approximately4,000 houses are nowin the planning stages. Mayor Desjardins stresses the push for more in- dustrial land.“We are too lowon the commercial and industrial part.So,we’ve hired someone for economic development to seewherewe can develop and create some land for industrial use.We’re alsoworkingwith the Countyon that because theyare quite interested –more taxes for them.We did have an industrial park, but it’s full.I’d like to see the cityworkwith the contrac- tors,instead of buying industrial land becausewe’re alreadybuilding two firehalls and have a big sewer systemproject coming soon.The laws of Ontario limit us to 25 percent of our revenue going to interest pay- ments,so that dictates the amount we can borrowas a municipality.I would rather go in partnershipwith land owners and help themdevelop this land.We have lots of propertyaround,it’s just amatter of doing rezoning, whichwould help the contractors.” The cityopted to build a double arena on a large be stationed.The city’s technologydepartment is al- waysmonitoring and upgrading services.Aspring 2017 flood necessitated the community to declare a state of emergency.When the emergency systemwas activat- ed,it was soon obvious where help and upgrades were needed. “This was a good lesson for us,”says theMayor, adding,“We partner with the county for manyof our services,like the contracts for road services,etc.They get the contracts,we share the good prices with them. When it comes to corporate culture,we’re still a small town.You can phone theMayor anytime in his office; myhome phone number is in the phone book.People leavememessages and I always respond,becausewe like to be accessible.Theyalways feel better when they call theMayor or their Councillor and get answers.” Increasing the number of lanes on themain road fromClarence-Rockland toOttawa is top priority.Ac- cording toDesjardins,“We’re constantlygoing after the federal and provincial governments for capital invest- ments.Our concern right nowis a four-lane.We’ve got a bus service,but the biggest complaint is they’re stuck inmorning traffic.The federal government is pushing for anHOV (HighOccupancyVehicle) lane,which is good for our transit service.Andwe’ve been given $40 million by the province of Ontario to go aheadwith the four-lane highway.The environmental study just came out and has been approved by the province.It covers right up to the four-laneQueensway inOttawa.The LRT (Light Rail Transit),when finished,would go to the edge of Orleans.Wewould bring our bus service right to that LRT,making it much easier to get to downtown Ottawa because you’d have no traffic to fight with.” Strategically situated in theOttawa corridor,close to Quebec andU.S.borders,Clarence-Rockland is a prime location to live and do business.It officiallycalls itself Call 1-800-267-7131 or visit for more information Stephen Sliwa Director of Education Jeff McMillan Chair The Upper Canada District School Board proudly supports the communities of Clarence-Rockland CLARENCE-ROCKLAND, ONTARIO