Certified Languages

CERTIFIED LANGUAGES INTERNATIONAL PREFERRED VENDORS n Magna 5 www.magna5global.com Magna5 is a nationwide provider of cloud-based communications, hybrid network, and IT Services solutions to help its clients manage, connect, and secure their information technologies. Magna5’s scalable, cost-effective, cloud-based solutions provide businesses with a secure, network rich, carrier-class, and hosted environment to better function and compete in the modern business world. n Avtex Solutions www.avtex.com Avtex Solutions provides customer experience integration solutions such as customer relationship management (CRM), unified communication, portals and collaboration con- tact centers, custom development, cloud services, mobile, customer experience, Office 365, system integration, user experience infrastructure, managed services, and business intel- ligence. The company also provides contact center solutions, such as behavioral analytics, CRM integration, small business solutions, workforce optimization, speech analytics, quality assurance, predictive dialer, interactive voice response (IVR), speech recognition, and hosted contact center solutions. The company was founded in 1972 and is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. tion.That’s helping our industrygrow.So,we’re keeping our eye,constantly,onwhat technology is allowing us to do,and howwe can drive technology to help us do what we do,better.” In one critical area,though,Quinlan says that CLI eschews technology,altogether: “If a client calls and we don’t pickup the phone and it goes to voicemail, that’s a huge problem.We don’t automate anything with regards to customer service.We genuinelycare about whowe service.We’ve got clients that give us thousands of calls a dayandwe allowa huge amount of customization in regards to howwe are able to talk them.Wewant to be able to have themaccess infor- mation,on demand,anyway that ismost meaningful to them.So,we don’t necessarily require the client operate thewaywe ask them to operate; we can be very,verynimblewith thewayweworkwith individual clients.” “We’ll never be the lowest or highest price,” Quinlan says,in summation. “But it ismost important that we’re delivering a qual- ityproduct,and that we are the best partner in regards toworkingwith our clients. And,whilewe are consis- tently in tune,and have our thumb on the pulse of changing language demo- graphics,and needs,and requirements,we’re always evolving intowhat we offer.” In Crowded Markets, Customer Experience is the Key Differentiator Avtex Helps You Make Your CX Stand Out from the Competition avtex.com