Oneonta, New York

ONEONTA , NEW YORK signage, and convert some of the upper floors that have been vacant for decades into quality, market-rate housing. Looking to the future, Herzig hopes that Oneonta will continue to grow, while keeping that small-community feel. He shares, “In order to accomplish that we are looking to develop a greater variety of housing options for all income levels, whether it’s affordable housing or executive housing options. We are also looking to increase the number of job opportunities and make sure that we have the infrastructure, in terms of broadband fiber optics, to be able to support small businesses that can operate here, as well as the people who work remotely, without having to live in a bigger city.” They also hope to continue to build on innovation through the colleges and establish Oneonta as a center for business. “Continuing to build on that incubator space concept, maybe being a hub for some of the new commodities that may be coming forth,” Rubin says. “It could be anything, could be hops, could be hemp, could be electronics and batteries. Just seeing if we can find some innovative things that will really engage people to want to be here.” Proud to be improving the health of our patients and the well-being of our communities in Central New York. Bassett Healthcare Network 1-800-BASSETT