East Lansing, Michigan

have been catalysts for population growth, particularly through one of East Lansing’s major businesses, MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU). A top employer and an aid in revenue generation, MSUFCU has expanded significantly with continued growth in the pipeline, including the construction of a 7-story office building in the downtown area. Although the city has limited industrial land, East Lansing hosts many small- to-mid-size enterprises focused on research and development that also supplement population and business growth. East Lansing’s workforce development does not solely rely on MSU and its extensions. The city can direct individuals to training and programming opportunities in skilled trades through the local Capital Area Michigan Works Program office, in partnership with Lansing Community College. With the help of regional organizations, like Lansing Economic Area Partnership, the city has additional resources to build its workforce on a regional basis. EAST LANS ING, MI CHIGAN Fehrenbach explains, “That’s the way we leverage the limited city staffing resources that we have. We’re working to improve the entrepreneurship pipeline partnership with MSU so that more companies can develop from it. We have made significant strides in the past 10 years, especially after MSU moved their entrepreneurship activities into a building outside of campus to strengthen their focus on the program. We’re trying to build on that momentum, get more companies to spin out and find locations right in downtown East Lansing; be part of the culture and the community here as our amenity mix has strengthened. The downtown is a cooler place to be.” From a residential standpoint, MSU shapes the look of the housing market, with rental housing and multifamily developments all situated around the campus. The market increased significantly in the last five years thanks to new rental housing. The city has also partnered with private investors to develop mixed-use