The City of Logansport and Cass County, Indiana

THE C I TY OF LOGANSPORT AND CASS COUNTY , INDI ANA Indiana is the perfect spot for businesses to locate. Cass County’s major industries are food processing and light manufacturing, including spring production, agricultural and automotive. “The City and the County have been proactive in enticing development to our area instead of hoping developers just show up,” says Arin Shaver, Executive Director of the Logansport/ Cass County Planning Department. Cass County was successful in attracting a new company, Waels Sustainable Products, during the heightened restrictions of Covid-19. This company will create $110M in new investment to the community and create 90 new jobs. Cass County RDC also finalized plans, and started construction of a Fire Protection System in the Cass County Agribusiness Park. The System will have a 500,000 galloon elevated water tank and serve approximately 11 industries and 25 residences in the unincorporated town of Clymers, IN. YOUR VISION WITH SYNTHESIS Bringing people and ideas together is the real power of Synthesis. The energy created through these collaborations result in truly unique, and often unexpected, design solutions that deliver lasting and valuable impact on communities and organizations. Share your vision with us today . WWW.SYNTHINC.COM WITHOUT SYNTHESIS BusinessView-Summer2021-Silver.indd 5 6/4/2021 4:52:36 PM