Carroll County, Ohio

CARROLL COUNTY , OHIO through provides job postings, career skills, and other resources to residents. Out of the approximate 47 percent of residents employed within the County, many operate their own small businesses, so encouraging local businesses to work with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), whether they are start-up or already established, is vital. Located in the neighboring County of Tuscarawas, SBDC works closely with local businesses to help them operate efficiently. Coral Abel, community organizer and local business owner of DanceAbel Ballroom Studio, more than a million dollars in payroll.” Looman agrees with the ongoing need for ‘shovel-ready’ sites. He believes a significant element in the Griffeth & Son project was building availability. He maintains, “That’s how important having inventory is when it comes to counties being able to market useable sites. Thanks to that building being empty another company was able to move in, renovate, expand, and add to its workforce.” Carroll County has a large workforce, but 53 percent travel outside the area for employment. Training offered by the Ohio Government