Antigonish, Nova Scotia

cover as close to 100% of the province as they can. Close to 1500 addresses in Antigonish have just been hooked up to fibre.” A commitment to sustainability is another trait that both the Town and County have in common. The Town, which owns its Electric Utility, is part owner of a 10-turbine Wind Farm which has allowed the community to achieve a +80 percent clean energy profile. The Town is exploring other new initiatives with community partners that explore increasing electrification opportunities. In addition, the County is working with their stakeholder groups to explore options for solar, as well as increasing energy efficiency to 17 community buildings such as fire halls and community centres. “I think Owen will agree that in our community, both Town and County, one of the biggest assets we have are the people,” adds Boucher. “We have the highest volunteer rate on the eastern side, but we also have people that just care about other people.” “At the end of the day, it’s not about us as politicians, it’s about the community and the residents that we serve,” concludes McCarron. “We’re mindful of that every time we make a decision, and that’s why collaboration is such an integral part of what Antigonish offers.”