Buller District Council, New Zealand

of industry,” says Mason. “We’re very fortunate in the Buller District, because our climate and particularly the water temperature, appeals to aquaculture, a commercial company have submitted an application to build a commercial whitebait farm. We’re also seeking to put in a Provincial Growth Fund application to revitalise our harbour and port area. We have been successful in obtaining 4 million dollars to upgrade the port jetties and an additional 1.8 million to build an overbridge and upgrade the wharf. We have a fishery industry that we want to protect, optimise and grow– it brings about $34 million to the whole of the West Coast and it’s really important that we enable that industry to keep going and to grow.” New industry coming into the community requires more homes and, due to the limited housing stock in the District, developers are taking the initiative and starting to build. Rental properties are pretty much non-existent; the plus point is that housing in Buller is affordable and a really nice villa can be purchased for a decent price of 250k . With that incentive, people are moving into the area with a variety of different skills and looking to set up businesses, which is quite heartening for the Council and the community. Of course, that also has a positive economic effect with increased school enrolment and the ability for new businesses such as cafes to set up, also strengthening existing businesses. Investing in infrastructure and assets is also improving the District’s economy. Next on the wish list is the building of a new Civic Centre. “And,” Mason reports, “we are exploring partnership options with Ngati Waewae. The District Health Board is also about to build a new hospital in Westport – a $20 million investment which will be really positive for local builders and bring in some external trades as well. Our current hospital is aging, so it is a new rebuild that will reflect a different model of care that’s focused towards primary care. It will be much more appealing for staff members to work in a modern and contemporary facility with a different practise model. So, that will be Oparara Arches courtesy of Nimmo Gallery