Sustainable Jersey

pathway forward, a very detailed and prescriptive road map of what to do on very on specific issues. It’s kind of a safe zone for them because it’s been tested and they know it’s going to work.” Why haven’t all municipalities taken advantage of this free and beneficial program? Solomon suggests smaller municipalities do not have as much bandwidth as larger municipalities. “I think the biggest factor is size,” he muses. “Often lacking full-time staff, they all take turns being mayor, as it were. For some it might be political. Some might just be disorganized. Government leadership absolutely matters at the local level. Groups like ours, who work at the local level, can’t do it alone. There has to be a federal partner. There has to be a strong state government for it to work. But with the leading communities in the state proving what can be done at the local level, you now have significant models that can be spread to the rest of the municipalities.” The Sustainable Jersey for Schools program launched in 2014, rolling out a certification program for schools and school districts across the state, kindergarten through 12th grade. There are 590 school districts in New Jersey, with 310 of them participating, with a similar structure to the municipal program. Though both focus on buildings and facilities, saving energy, recycling, and purchasing recycled and non-toxic materials, the municipal program involves passing laws