Stiebel Eltron

ST I EBEL ELTRON liquid space heating and air handling. “These air-to-water heat pumps are a lot more energy efficient and cost saving for consumers. They will be competing with the split heat pumps but at a slightly higher price point and better durability. They are designed for harsh winters and will operate down to a pretty low temperature, compared to mini-splits, and still maintain a high coefficient of performance. We have been manufacturing them in Germany for a long time and selling them in other parts of the world, now we’re going to be selling them to U.S. markets by the summer of 2020.” BVM: What are some important points people should know about Stiebel Eltron? Wetherby: I have been helping out in the tech service department and it’s been an eye-opener. Our units rarely, if ever, leak and the parts can be replaced very easily by anyone. So many products today are disposable, but we haven’t gone in that direction. Stiebel Eltron products last a long time