South Windsor, Connecticut

AT A GLANCE SOUTHWINDSOR, CONNECTICUT WHAT: A town of 26,000 WHERE: In Hartford County on the east bank of the Connecticut River WEBSITE: S outh Windsor, Connecticut, a suburb of the state’s capitol city, Hartford, comprises nearly 29 square miles within Hartford County on the east bank of the Connecticut River. In 1659, Thomas Burnham purchased the tract of land now covered by the towns of South Windsor and East Hartford from Tantinomo, chief sachem of the Podunk Indians. Famous theologian, Jonathan Edwards, was born in what is now South Windsor, incorporated in 1845. With fertile land and abundant resources, tobacco was a major crop since its founding. Today, 26,000 residents call the beautiful and vibrant town of South Windsor home, offering a blend of gracious residential living, a thriving commercial community, and an expanding high-tech industrial base. A leader in sustainability practices, South Windsor recently received the Bronze Award from the Sustainable CT Initiative program offered through the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities. Director of Planning for South Windsor, Michele R. Lipe, describes the program covering eight areas of sustainability in which a town demonstrates, through regulations, policies, or practices, the community’s efforts in ongoing, sustainable programs. Environment related areas South Windsor highlighted include: open space planning, agricultural zoning regulations, and a transfer of development rights program. South Windsor is one of only seventeen communities in Connecticut to receive the Bronze award in November and indicated they were on track to apply for Silver this year.