Pittsburg Tank & Tower Group

P ittsburg Tank & Tower Group (PTTG) is reaching new heights, celebrating its 100th year in business with pride and a solid commitment to grow and excel for another century. From its long-time home in Henderson, Kentucky, PTTG runs a well-balanced operation encompassing design, engineering, manufacturing, fabrication, field installation, and maintenance services for the steel tank and tower industry. Founded in 1919, by Joseph Boyd McClelland in Pittsburg, Missouri, the company’s original focus was water tank and smokestack maintenance. It remained in the McClelland family until 1983, when Don Johnston, a seasoned pro in the tank industry with an in-depth knowledge of Pittsburg Tank and a strong rapport with the McClellands, bought the company. He merged it with his own company, Globe Industrial Contractors, moved the business to his hometown of Henderson, Kentucky, and soon added manufacturing to its portfolio. In 2003, the Johnston family started Allstate pictured Allstate Tower fabricated and installed the catwalks and support towers for this structure in Enfield, Illinois.