The Adhesive & Sealant Council

the industry; we offer career education, we bring together innovators, and we dialogue quite a bit with academia to talk about how we can utilize the science community to better develop the products that we sell.” BVM: Who makes up ASC’s membership? Allmond: “We’re 110 companies and that is broken up into different tiers. Our biggest focus is on our manufacturers and our formulators. These are companies that manufacture adhesives and sealants for merchant sale in North America, many of whom are the major leaders within our industry. The other big sector of our membership is our raw material suppliers. These are the companies engaged in the sale of raw materials, or packing materials, or dispensing equipment, to manufacturers of adhesives and sealants. They’re a major part of our organization. “And we do have an affiliate category for manufacturers and suppliers outside of the U.S.. The benefits are a little bit less for them, because they’re not as fully benefitting from the regulatory advocacy that we may be doing, because they’re, most likely, complying with laws and regulations outside of North America. But they still see the benefit of participating in meetings and networking opportunities and other types of benefits that we provide.” BVM: What are the benefits of being an ASC member? Allmond: “The benefits of being a part of the ASC community are many, but I’ve always believed that members get out of an association what they put into it. Joining an association is the same as any type of investment. There’s the initial financial commitment, but it doesn’t stop there. There’s the management of the investment through active participation in the Council’s activities, understanding the trends, and contributing to the future direction in a way that benefits the companies. Our biggest benefit is we connect companies to a world of resources that deliver results - whether it’s influencing government