oil and gas producers, as well as their service providers, because of uncertain, and some- times conflicting, policy goals in both the U.S. and Canada that make planning for the future particularly dicey. “We hear the rumbling on the tracks; we know that there are things happen- ing, but we just don’t understand it,” Thompson complains. “That uncertainty is compounding the effects of what the economy could poten- tially be able to do in its entirety. In an uncer- tain period, there’s a lot of discussion with very little action. Once our governments can explain how it’s all going to work, then we can under- stand how to adapt. But, right now, we’re in this state of flux, which is very frustrating.” “Where it’s having a major impact on us as a company, as well as our industry, is investment into the space,” he adds. “Investors need to have a clear understanding of their money coming into the equation, how to get it out, and what impacts are going to affect it along the way. With this uncertainty, you can’t provide that clarity. So, it is very frustrating being exposed to this.We’re doing our best and we’re having discussions on how to be prepared, but at this point that’s all we can do.” However, even with all the economic and political uncertainties built into the oil and gas sector, Thompson remains optimistic. “We understand the challenges that are ahead of us and I tend to look at the opportunities,” he opines. “What those opportunities look like, I can’t entirely say when we have these periods of uncertainty. But I know, with my experience in the Canadian market on the oil field services side, it’s going to be the services side that is go- ing to deliver to the oil and gas producers the technology to adapt and work with these chal- WISE INTERVENTIONS SERVICES INC. Specialized Heavy & Oversized Transport Overdimensional n Lowboy n Drop Deck n Beam Heavy Scrap Metal - Processing & Recycling casturosplhaul@comcast.net Phone: 724.872.2985 n Fax 724.872.2988 2049 Mt. Pleasant Road, Wyano, PA 15089 (Pittsburgh Area) ©2017 Cummins Inc., Box 3005, Columbus, IN 47202-3005 U.S.A. salesandservice.cummins.com lenges. Oil and gas won’t evaporate from the Canadian marketplace.We’re in it for the long haul and we’re looking forward to adapt and rise to the occasion,” he states, unequivocally. “We’re a market player that survived a pretty nasty period, and we’re continuing to work for our customer community and deliver the high end service they’ve grown to expect from us. In the short-term to mid-term, we’re not going to see a big splash impact. Longer-term is where we are going to get into a more competitive position on a global scale to be able to develop our oil and gas resources in Canada. Generally, Canada has been very front-end on technology development and what I see is an opportunity for service providers to really raise the bar on how we go about delivering services and tech- nologies, and equipment, and all the goods to our customer communities that will meet the demands that are being put on us. But, in order for our industry to really deliver and meet the conditions and challenges in front of us, we need to establish a high level of partnership within the marketplace –between my peer group, as well as our customers. It’s absolutely key to our future.” PREFERRED VENDORS n Charles Casturo, Inc. casturosplhaul@comcast.net n Cummins Western Canada www.salesandservice.cummins.com
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